Money and our lack of control over it has always been a cause of stress for people around the world. A recent report by Bank of America states that about 67% of millennials say that they aren’t able to focus on work and life because of financial stress.
Then why are they not taking enough measures to deal with it? Because, most of them aren’t aware of the tools that are available to simplify their finances or because they have been discouraged by the complex ones that didn’t work for them before.
We are on a mission to change that. Wallet doesn’t ask you to learn a whole method of managing your money and impose rules on you. It helps you make your money behave the way you want it to.
Wallet helps you use your own systems and powers it up with some awesome features that’ll simplify your finances and still give you 100% control over it.
So when our users find a way to innovate within Wallet and devise their own systems to manage their finances, we get super thrilled.
Love at first use
Meet Andrei Drăgușanu, a Bucharest-based software developer and photographer. He has been hooked to Wallet for the last three years. And, much like many of us uses it to track his expenses. Having tested out many similar apps, Andrei says that he opted for Wallet because it had the “cleanest interface”.
It was love at first use, he says. A few among the things he fell in love with are the balance overview which shows both total balance and account-wise balance, warranty list and the ability to reconcile your accounts. He is an ardent follower of manual tracking, because he believes that it makes us feel more responsible for our spending habits and helps instill more discipline.
An Account For Each Budget
But what’s so novel about all of this, you may be wondering. So when we dug deeper to understand his ways with Wallet, he revealed to us that he had started out using the Android version and had just switched to an iOS phone. And, as the iOS version is still just catching up with the Android version (we’re almost there, guys!), Andrei devised a workaround to budget on Wallet.
“When I moved to iOS, I was heartbroken that budgets were just being developed for iOS. So I decided to budget my own way. I created separate accounts on Wallet for each budget for, say, travel and photography. I transfer the money I budget for for these purposes to the accounts on Wallet,” explains Andrei.
“When I travel, I tweak the category structure a bit. I create sub-categories named after every destination I visit and add expenses made during the trip to them. This makes it so much more simpler for me because now I don’t have to worry about whether it was food, accommodation or anything.” Andrei uses this information he has gathered about his money and creates reports and charts filtered by the specific sub-categories. “These reports and charts then serve as a blueprint when I plan my next trip. Now, this is also budgeting, isn’t it?” Who are we to argue, we say.
budgets are extremely personal. And, the best budgets are the ones you can make sense of and stick to.
The biggest lesson he learnt, says Andrei, is that there’s no point in being stressed about money. And, more importantly, that “being in debt isn’t that bad, as long as your overall balance is on the positive side”. Now that sounds like a man who knows his finances well enough!
And, here are some beautiful pictures he clicked during his trips:
Road to Mount Cook #NewZealand #MountCook #travel #road
— Andrei Drăgușanu (@AndreiDragusanu) June 29, 2016
Prayer Wheels #nepal #buddhism
— Andrei Drăgușanu (@AndreiDragusanu) August 29, 2015
Irish Pt. II
— Andrei Drăgușanu (@AndreiDragusanu) April 29, 2014
Over to you
We’re glad that our resourceful users like Andrei are figuring out different ways to use Wallet to bring order to their finances. Wallet was designed to learn your methods, adapt to them and save you time and effort to go through with them. And, don’t worry we’re all neck deep into making sure that Wallet for iOS will match up to the Android version as soon as possible.
Have you experimented with our awesome features and made Wallet work for you on your own terms? Share your Wallet story with us and get featured on our blog! Send in your experiences to us at Make sure to write “Wallet helped me!” in the subject line. We can’t wait to hear from you.
Still not using Wallet? Click here to give it a try.
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