How Wallet by BudgetBakers can help you prepare for tax season

Nervous to make the tax submission deadline?

Wallet is here to calm your nerves through practical and easy steps for making the target date and staying relaxed.

We have prepared some necessary habits for pragmatic preparation for tax season by using Wallet by BudgetBakers. We want you to stay sane, and healthy this Spring; which is why we do our best to prepare you for any financial step. This tax season we hope you can take some of our advice and find out just how useful Wallet is for you.

Track your income for everything. Wallet gives users profound insight into your financial spending through analytical data and resources offered to users to automatically improve your daily habits. Avoid trigger purchases by setting limits in the app or through instant notifications of your spending habits. Wallet works in an efficient organizational way, allowing users the capabilities needed to see exactly how much they are saving; including the difference between income and expenses and automatically tracked expenses. Charts, graphs, and gauges are all at the user’s fingertips for watching your financial spending.

These tools come in handy for tax season when you’re pressed for the deadline and need an efficient, all in one location for your yearly expenses. Wallet provides you with the peace of mind by having everything centrally located.

Organize and create alerts for every purchase. Organize your spending on Wallet through categorization for groceries, clothes, health, entertainment, and travel. Know immediately where your cash is distributed whenever and wherever you are. This will help you when it’s tax season and you need to know vital information for your spending, with dates and reminders of where you were, exportable spending data, and more.

Be Responsible. Make sure you have everything put together in an orderly fashion. Don’t just try to wing it. Take action this year by using Wallet to aid you in arranging your expenses and incomes together for your tax file submission this Spring.

Claim Everything. Hoping for the tax return? We advise you not to just hope for the best – strategically look for all the deductions you could be eligible for. You will need to show receipts, claim dependents, track college expenses, record any obvious life transitions such as buying a new house, car, or move. These are considered deductible when filing, and can give you options for helping you win at tax season.

Focus. Wallet gives you reminders, allows you to set up alerts, and provides useful tools for you at your disposal. Take time to learn, monitor, and have the confidence to take your finances under your control without letting them take control over you.

If you owe something, remember there are steps you can take to pay it off. You can even file for an extension period, where you are given a period of time to pay what you owe back to the government. You can also plan for the future, by focusing on future expenses you know are coming and record them in the app.

Remember you are not alone. Everyone is going through the same anxiety ridden steps of recording, filing, and preparing for the tedious process of examining each and every purchase for the past year. We are all sitting in the same boat reminded of the quote, “There are two things sure in life: death and taxes” so prepare the most you can unavoidable.

Use Wallet for the easiest tax return process with ease of mind using Wallet’s user focused tools.

Written by Brittney Pilarcik.

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