
You’re finally doing a job you love and are earning a good enough salary. But is your money running out too soon? Do you find yourself frustrated just days after payday, struggling to come up with ways to pay that nth bill? And, would a tiny emergency send your finances into a tailspin? You’d be surprised to know that,
It is only when you start living on your own and paying for everything yourself, that most people realise that financial ‘adulting’ is not all that fun! Ghent-based content engineer Sofie Vandenhoven, who had only recently graduated, didn’t take too long to figure that most of what she earned was slipping away too fast. Earning all the money back
We’ve all done it! We’ve bought something we don’t really need, spent money on an impulse, tucked something away because we didn’t like it after using it just once or even given something away because we never used it. The question we have asked ourselves whenever we did any of this was, “why did I even buy this in
So when do we know that Summer has officially come to an end? Yes, of course, when it’s time to start buying back-to-school supplies. Whether you are a student or a parent, this is a tough time in terms of your finances, because, you do want to stretch that dollar but also want to make sure that you can
Learn 5 simple budgeting methods that’ll help you manage your money better! Boring. Complicated. Restrictive. Mind-numbing. Cumbersome. Are these the first words that come to your mind when your hear the word ‘budget’? Does your mind conjure up images of complex spreadsheets, continuous note-taking or repeated balance checks? If you answered yes to one or both of these two
When it comes to personal finance, most of us know all the rules — spend less than you earn, save for a rainy day and so on, right? Then, why is it that time and again studies point to money or financial angst as the biggest cause of stress for people around the world? Why don’t we follow these
When I was single, I didn’t think much about money. If I had enough, I was fine. If I didn’t have enough, I would just be more careful with my spending. But getting married changed the dynamics of money for me, and my wife, in a big way. Few who have gotten married and started a family have not

How it works

