
Who doesn’t love to travel, right? Today’s millennials are probably the most mobile generation ever, travelling about 35% more than their predecessors. However, the truth is that they earn about 20% less than what their parents did. This is why millennials worldwide are ‘hustling’ or looking for ways to stretch their money as much as possible. When it comes
Taking a year off to travel is a dream for many of us. And, it is only common that we hit the farthest place from home when we set out on such an adventure. Mia Zaccardo, a policy officer from Adelaide, and her partner, Ben, had travelled to a fair share of places outside of Australia. But everyone they
It’s that time of the year again and the holidays are almost around the corner. While we prepare ourselves for the joy and celebrations of the holidays, we also have to prepare our finances to get through this season unscathed. Holidays are the time that most of us overspend. There is the pressure to visit family, give gifts, decorate
The fairy lights are already up and holiday tunes are filling the air. It is the season of fun and celebrations. And, also of a lot of spending. According to retail surveys, people around the world are expected to spend upward of $400 per person during the holidays this year. With so many discount offers and sales notifications, it
Learn the ropes on how to save money while travelling We live in the age of experiences and millennials are the ones who seek them more. Travel has become their middle name and, being the hustlers they are, it is safe to say that millennials are the ones who make sure they stretch their dollars the most while on
How good it feels to roam around quaint streets, gobble street food, get your feet wet on the beach or just lose yourself watching a beautiful sunset at your dream destination! But anyone who has ever travelled knows that all this magic comes together as a result of extensive and efficient planning. From booking tickets to deciding what to
We live in the age of the sharing economy and the way we travel is changing with each passing day. Most of us are already letting others use our homes, cars and other assets and making money by just sharing what we own. But today we’re going to talk about a different way of sharing and spreading happiness while
So you’ve decided on your dream summer destination and are all set to take off? Or, are you still finalising plans, booking stuff and looking forward to your upcoming holidays? Or, are you just saving up for your much-needed vacation? Whatever may be the case, you need a travel budget! Period. But why, you may be wondering! Some of
Have been waiting at the baggage carousel for over an hour and your bags are nowhere in sight? Or, are you stuck midway to your dream destination, thanks to a flight delay? How frustrating it would be to make a detailed plan of your trip only to be met with annoying travel issues like delayed flights and lost baggage!

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