
Sometimes, our minds tend to jump from one thought to another. To concentrate on daily tasks, or to focus on what you need to buy for the weekend, might be far more difficult than normal. Therefore, we introduced a new widget, called “Shopping List” to help make the process far easier for you. A Grocery List – Ordinary, but
It’s that time of the year again and the holidays are almost around the corner. While we prepare ourselves for the joy and celebrations of the holidays, we also have to prepare our finances to get through this season unscathed. Holidays are the time that most of us overspend. There is the pressure to visit family, give gifts, decorate
The fairy lights are already up and holiday tunes are filling the air. It is the season of fun and celebrations. And, also of a lot of spending. According to retail surveys, people around the world are expected to spend upward of $400 per person during the holidays this year. With so many discount offers and sales notifications, it
So when do we know that Summer has officially come to an end? Yes, of course, when it’s time to start buying back-to-school supplies. Whether you are a student or a parent, this is a tough time in terms of your finances, because, you do want to stretch that dollar but also want to make sure that you can
How good it feels to roam around quaint streets, gobble street food, get your feet wet on the beach or just lose yourself watching a beautiful sunset at your dream destination! But anyone who has ever travelled knows that all this magic comes together as a result of extensive and efficient planning. From booking tickets to deciding what to

How it works

