
Financial Habits For Success:  In their paper on financial planning in the Journal of Economics in 2003, Ameriks et al. posed the question of how households that begin with a similar level of wealth and income tend to diverge over time, with some becoming wealthier, while others did not. A leading indicator for future wealth was “propensity to plan,”
Maintaining a sensible budget is about more than just limiting your spending. After all, there will be times in your life when you’ll be able to spend more and save money easily, just as there will be times when saving will be a struggle every month. In a way, your money habits are no different from your eating habits,
Our customers at BudgetBakers are, we feel confident in saying: very disciplined in their personal finances. And yet, there are some budgeting failure scenarios that are almost impossible to avoid. This will be a light hearted post about 11 of those budgeting fails. Plus some budgeting pro tips. Ever done an epic fail of budgeting? You’re not alone! Let’s
Asking for a raise is never easy. It’s been quite a difficult couple of years for many of us. We’ve lost businesses. We’ve lost family members. We’ve lost friends, and some of us lost our jobs. That’s why now is the time to step up.  But with millions of people in the developed world seeking early retirement, and millions
You’re probably spending more than you expect on monthly subscriptions. Here’s how to trim the fat painlessly.
I have a confession to make. I’ve been living in denial for a while now. But it’s time to let go… The Sunk Cost Fallacy : How Not to Set Your Money on Fire It all started with a dream. I’ll admit, it was a silly conceit of mine. I had always wanted to own a BMW. In fact
While global climate change may be confusing the birds and the trees this year, it is still technically spring across the Northern Hemisphere (sorry Australia!). It’s time to clean up your budget! A new year, a new pile of bills you may want to look into. Most of us collect at least a few unwanted services here and there
Sometimes, our minds tend to jump from one thought to another. To concentrate on daily tasks, or to focus on what you need to buy for the weekend, might be far more difficult than normal. Therefore, we introduced a new widget, called “Shopping List” to help make the process far easier for you. A Grocery List – Ordinary, but
Still thinking of where to travel to this year? Whether your dream vacation involves getting your feet wet on a beach, an adventurous trip to the mountains or soaking in the spirit of a lively city, our affordable travel guide can help you make up your mind. We’ve curated a list of the world’s most affordable and value-for-money destinations
Who doesn’t love to travel, right? Today’s millennials are probably the most mobile generation ever, travelling about 35% more than their predecessors. However, the truth is that they earn about 20% less than what their parents did. This is why millennials worldwide are ‘hustling’ or looking for ways to stretch their money as much as possible. When it comes
Most of us have debts. In fact, studies have shown that almost 33% of Americans are drowning in debt. And, the most common question that those who are in debt ask is, “What should I do first? Should I pay my debt off or should I save?” Your parents may have taught you to pay back every penny you
When you’re in a relationship, money becomes a talking point. And, each couple has their own way of managing money. Some might combine their finances, while some others like to keep things separate. There is no one right way to manage money as a couple. Because both of you are unique and have unique mindsets and considerations about money.
Most of us want to save money. But somehow, only a few of us end up doing it right. What if we told you that your financial foundation is built on your saving enough money and not spending right? Having some money stashed away is what will fuel your future spending, keep you out of debt and even help
The newest addition to Wallet that we’re all excited about is the transformation of the old dashboard. Now, Wallet brings your finances to you in two sections–the Wallet Now section, the information centre of your finances, and the Accounts section, the control centre of your finances. This new view is not just cleaner and clutter-free design-wise, it is a
So you have taken the big leap of quitting your job and being a digital nomad? Or, are you on the road currently and are looking for ways to save up for your future trips? Whichever of these two situations you may be in, one thing you should know or have already figured out by now is that leading

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