
Financial Habits For Success:  In their paper on financial planning in the Journal of Economics in 2003, Ameriks et al. posed the question of how households that begin with a similar level of wealth and income tend to diverge over time, with some becoming wealthier, while others did not. A leading indicator for future wealth was “propensity to plan,”
Maintaining a sensible budget is about more than just limiting your spending. After all, there will be times in your life when you’ll be able to spend more and save money easily, just as there will be times when saving will be a struggle every month. In a way, your money habits are no different from your eating habits,
Mastering personal finance demands more than just maintaining a budget. Once you’re saving more than you make, and you have a comfortable emergency fund, you’ll need to start thinking about how to maintain and grow your wealth. Even though inflation may now be under control, we’ve still seen a period of relatively high inflation, that left the salaries of
In recent years, the world has witnessed a paradigm shift in investment strategies. And that change is personified in younger investors. Today’s investors care about more than just monetary returns. Instead, they are increasingly considering the environmental and social impact of their portfolios. As the global community grapples with pressing environmental issues, sustainable investing has emerged as a powerful
4 hours and 49 minutes – that is how much time the average American spends watching TV per day. Live TV accounts for 2 hours 53 minutes, time-shifted TV for 34 minutes, and on-demand streaming for 1 hour 22 minutes. That’s according to a report from Nielsen, a global data measurement firm.  According to their findings, 82% of viewers
Our customers at BudgetBakers are, we feel confident in saying: very disciplined in their personal finances. And yet, there are some budgeting failure scenarios that are almost impossible to avoid. This will be a light hearted post about 11 of those budgeting fails. Plus some budgeting pro tips. Ever done an epic fail of budgeting? You’re not alone! Let’s
For our second post detailing the financials of a real Airbnb, we turn to a real member of the BudgetBakers team who owns an Airbnb in Prague, our home city, and who helped us develop our Airbnb Revenue Calculator.  They have graciously shared their statistics to give us a sharper picture of what the economics of Airbnb look like.
Maybe you’ve stayed in an Airbnb or two. Maybe you’re even a big fan. But have you ever considered investing in your own Airbnb? Many of our readers have probably asked themselves at some point whether running an Airbnb would be a worthwhile investment of their time, money, and energy. Perhaps some have deeply investigated, while others may only
EU consumers have been paying exorbitant prices for gas, electricity and oil since 2021 – and the trend is rising. Partly because of greater demand and rising wholesale prices, partly because of the war in Ukraine and a possible embargo. Here’s how high EU energy costs in 2022 will be. Find out what you’ll be paying and how you
You’re probably spending more than you expect on monthly subscriptions. Here’s how to trim the fat painlessly.
These days are difficult and challenging for each of us. Everybody is facing their own personal crisis. To overcome your “fear of not having enough” (money, work, health), we’ve prepared a special package to offer you tips to smooth the crisis a little bit. We all are literally pushed to slow down. In the same moment, never before there
Taking a year off to travel is a dream for many of us. And, it is only common that we hit the farthest place from home when we set out on such an adventure. Mia Zaccardo, a policy officer from Adelaide, and her partner, Ben, had travelled to a fair share of places outside of Australia. But everyone they
So you have taken the big leap of quitting your job and being a digital nomad? Or, are you on the road currently and are looking for ways to save up for your future trips? Whichever of these two situations you may be in, one thing you should know or have already figured out by now is that leading
It’s that time of the year again. Celebrations are in full swing and people all around the world are gearing up to welcome the New Year. With the New Year comes new hopes, new dreams and new decisions. Yes, we are hinting at the the dreaded, infamous New Year resolutions. Studies and surveys have shown that of those who
It’s that time of the year again and the holidays are almost around the corner. While we prepare ourselves for the joy and celebrations of the holidays, we also have to prepare our finances to get through this season unscathed. Holidays are the time that most of us overspend. There is the pressure to visit family, give gifts, decorate

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