
Mastering personal finance demands more than just maintaining a budget. Once you’re saving more than you make, and you have a comfortable emergency fund, you’ll need to start thinking about how to maintain and grow your wealth. Even though inflation may now be under control, we’ve still seen a period of relatively high inflation, that left the salaries of
For our second post detailing the financials of a real Airbnb, we turn to a real member of the BudgetBakers team who owns an Airbnb in Prague, our home city, and who helped us develop our Airbnb Revenue Calculator.  They have graciously shared their statistics to give us a sharper picture of what the economics of Airbnb look like.
Over the past few years, and now at an accelerating rate, we are seeing adoption of so called “neobanking” products amongst our customer base. What are NeoBanks? In simple terms, NeoBanks are companies that behave more or less as a bank does, providing payment services, and other financial services, while avoiding some of the key trappings of a typical
Your budget, just like any other part of your busy life, deserves a spring cleaning. That’s why last time we shared 5 Tips on how to spring clean your budget. Now we’re back with 6 more tips on budget spring cleaning. Think we’re missing a good budgeting tip? Give us a shout on Twitter or Facebook.   Stack Your
While global climate change may be confusing the birds and the trees this year, it is still technically spring across the Northern Hemisphere (sorry Australia!). It’s time to clean up your budget! A new year, a new pile of bills you may want to look into. Most of us collect at least a few unwanted services here and there
The internet is full of neverending lists, tips and manuals on “how to organize your money better“, “how to start using a budget“ or  “become more responsible when it comes to your spending.”  But, what if you tried to look at your money less as a tool of cruel self-discipline? What if you started seeing your money as a
The more I learn about Wallet, the more it shocks me. The app itself is so complex, and it has so many features that can help people with their personal finances.  My colleague recently told me about the RECORDS option, so I wanted to dive deep and write an article about it and how you can use multi-select to
Sometimes, our minds tend to jump from one thought to another. To concentrate on daily tasks, or to focus on what you need to buy for the weekend, might be far more difficult than normal. Therefore, we introduced a new widget, called “Shopping List” to help make the process far easier for you. A Grocery List – Ordinary, but
Who doesn’t love to travel, isn’t it? Travel at once frees you and still grounds you to the realities of the world around you. Studies have found that travel makes us healthier, happier, more productive and more open-minded. The last thing you want to be bothered about while travelling is money. Yes, it is a paradox. We all want
Still thinking of where to travel to this year? Whether your dream vacation involves getting your feet wet on a beach, an adventurous trip to the mountains or soaking in the spirit of a lively city, our affordable travel guide can help you make up your mind. We’ve curated a list of the world’s most affordable and value-for-money destinations
Who doesn’t love to travel, right? Today’s millennials are probably the most mobile generation ever, travelling about 35% more than their predecessors. However, the truth is that they earn about 20% less than what their parents did. This is why millennials worldwide are ‘hustling’ or looking for ways to stretch their money as much as possible. When it comes
TL;DR: Tracking helps you identify spending patterns and unearth much deeper issues with your finances than you can imagine. Learn why it is important to track to bring order to your finances. Tracking expenses is boring, monotonous and takes all the time in this world. Is this how you feel? Or, have you tracked your expenses at some point
Being a student leader is an exhilarating experience! Your peers have chosen you to represent them and find solutions to their problems. This not just makes you a role model for many and puts you in a position of power, but also brings with it a lot of duties and responsibilities. And, what if your responsibilities include fundraising and
At BudgetBakers, we put you, our users, first. We want Wallet to be useful for you. This is why Wallet is designed to learn your preferences and adapt to them. We want you to be able to successfully manage money no matter what your money philosophy is. So here’s bringing our much-loved feature, Imports, to the Web App. When
The newest addition to Wallet that we’re all excited about is the transformation of the old dashboard. Now, Wallet brings your finances to you in two sections–the Wallet Now section, the information centre of your finances, and the Accounts section, the control centre of your finances. This new view is not just cleaner and clutter-free design-wise, it is a

How it works

