
Open any newspaper to read about how spending habits have changed over the past few years. They will tell you that spending on in-person retail, restaurants, and services were all down massively in 2020 and slow to recover since. Spending on movie streaming services, on the other hand, skyrocketed. One thing they probably won’t mention is one of the emerging
9.1% – That’s the current average inflation rate in the US as of June 2022. It indicates how much more expensive commodities are now, on average, compared with 12 months ago.  Energy and food prices in particular are rising rapidly. According to the Consumer Price Index, groceries account for 10.4 %, and energy for as much as 32.9 %
Recently economic news has dominated the popular media. We’ve talked in depth about inflation, and provided resources to help you learn more about it. Now talk has turned darkly to rumors of a recession. While this is a critical economic topic that everyone should understand, the media does a pretty poor job of educating the public on what a recession
Maybe you’ve stayed in an Airbnb or two. Maybe you’re even a big fan. But have you ever considered investing in your own Airbnb? Many of our readers have probably asked themselves at some point whether running an Airbnb would be a worthwhile investment of their time, money, and energy. Perhaps some have deeply investigated, while others may only
Earlier we posted a detailed explanation of what inflation is, what causes it, and what you can about it. Today we’re going to dive deeper into that topic with a review of 6 different sources explaining various aspects of inflation, from how it works, to what governments do to try and stop it from happening. Learn about inflation with BudgetBakers!
What is inflation and what causes it? These are questions that most working people today are asking themselves, and each other. Prices are going up across the board, in almost every country, and in almost every category. The news tells us that prices are rising, but rarely do we hear a real, honest discussion about what causes this to
This summer I’m invited to a wedding. A good friend of mine is getting married to her longtime boyfriend. For the ceremony, the couple has chosen a beautiful small village in the southwest of Switzerland, close to where they live.  So lately I’ve been busy trying to find the perfect wedding gift for the bride and groom. That’s when
We recently asked our community: How much do you think is reasonable to spend on a wedding in 2022?  More than 46% said that they can imagine a wedding for less than $5000. Nearly 40% indicated that $5,000 to $10,000 is realistic. 14% think spending $10,000 to $25,000 is reasonable, and only about 5% think more than $25,000 is
Are you studying abroad as an international student? Then you’re not only exploring new cultures, making lifelong friends, and learning a new language. You’re also facing a whole new set of challenges – one of which is financing your stay abroad. Recurring payments such as for student loans, tuition, rent and transportation are only part of the costs you
While my colleague Leonie has focused on writing about budgeting for a college student’s summer holidays, I decided to create some sample budgets to show how to save for vacation as an “adult”. Unlike the budgets of my colleague, these examples are aimed at more “adult” vacationers with a slightly larger budget – but also more expenses.  I’m going
A student vacation is wonderful thing. You get to know the most beautiful places in the world, meet interesting people, taste delicious food and get away from stressful college life.  Plus, as a student, you have a lot more time to travel than “adult” vacationers. Semester breaks or the time between the end of your bachelor’s degree and the
You probably spend more on monthly subscriptions than you think – a lot more. That’s what a study by West Monroe, a Chicago-based technology consulting firm, suggests. In their comparison between 2018 and 2021, they show how much the average American spent on subscription services over these three years and how much they underestimated their spending.  West Monroe surveyed
EU consumers have been paying exorbitant prices for gas, electricity and oil since 2021 – and the trend is rising. Partly because of greater demand and rising wholesale prices, partly because of the war in Ukraine and a possible embargo. Here’s how high EU energy costs in 2022 will be. Find out what you’ll be paying and how you
Across the world in the last two years, millions of people have been forced -or indeed, finally permitted- to reevaluate the conditions in which they live and work. Many have begun, if not to openly demand reforms in our ways of working and living, then at least to formulate their grievances and discuss them. Online communities like /r/antiwork have
Inflation is growing, and that’s not good news for your pocket money. But what is inflation, and what can you do to combat its effects?

How it works

